Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Latest version of GMAT Audio Revision.

I am planning the latest version of GMAT audio revision, I have been focussing on niche areas like "Tone of the Author" , BoldFace CR and Yes... Grammar rules which I have collated over a long and arduous journey!

Changed the dates...

Changed the GMAT date to 6th August. I hope to crack it this time....
RC questions - tone of the author
CR questions - Boldface
SC questions - modifiers which change the meaning subtle meaning
are the areas which I score poorly and these areas are essential for a high score...
Will work hard on Math too... as I have seen, the difference between a 50Q and a 51Q is BIG.
I hope to go for the KILL!

Friday, July 9, 2010


I wanna hit it! Bullseye!!  But GMAT is not taking aim and shooting in one deft stroke...
It checks if your nerves are of steel and  that you have prepared well.
I can do with what God has given for the former but thinkin...
Thinkin hard, how I can do better with the later? How can I break the barrier?
4th July it was 710 on Manhattan 48Q/38V today 9th July was the decider I score a poor 680 48Q/34V.
I am gonna reschedule my GMAT,don't know by how many days..
Areas to work on timing,pacing,focus,accuracy,consistency is there anything else?? 
I guess yes... a 730 or 730+ to land in top B-Schools.. gonna accept nothing less....
Will ambition drive the passion or whether passion will drive the ambition?
Don't know.. only time will tell.....